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Please check out this site maybe you like it and want to buy it. This website was created to preserve for posterity the work of my father, Joseph Levinson, in ensuring the memory of the Lithuanian Jews who perished during the Holocaust. Born in March 1917, my father grew up in the small town (shtetl) Vishéy (Veisiejai, Lithuania). He received a degree in engineering from the Technical Faculty of Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas. He is a decorated veteran of the war against Hitler (he was a serviceman of the 16th Lithuanian Division and was seriously injured in his head in February 1943). From the 1990s onward, he has dedicated all his energies to commemoration of Lithuanian Jewry and the legacies of the Holocaust, which claimed many of his own family. A highlight of his life came in 2010, when he was honored in London’s Central Synagogue for his dedicated work and achievements. Though frail at 96, he continues to follow and comment on events as ever.