Joseph Levinson Honored in London
In 2010,J.Levinson was honored in London's Central Synagogue for his dedicated work and achievements.Watch Video

Interview: Joseph Levinson
The Second World War veteran who set out to rescue the memory of 206,000 murdered Jews. Read More Here

The Book of Sorrow
This is a photo book about the Holocaust, with breathtaking moments of the horrible annihilation of Lithuanian Jewish people. Read More Here
Chapters from The Shoah in Lithuania
About the Author

Joseph Levinson
Joseph Levinson was born in March 1917. He grew up in the small town (shtetl) Vishéy (Veisiejai) in Dzūkija (Southern Lithuania). He received a degree in engineering from the Technical Faculty of Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas. Joseph Levinson fought the Nazis as a serviceman of the 16th Lithuanian Division during World War II and was seriously injured. He is a founding figure of Vilnius’s ‘Green House’ and a historian of the Lithuanian Holocaust. In 1941, during the massacre of the Jews in Lithuania, his father and relatives were murdered in the village of Katkiškė near Lazdéy (Lazdijai). Read More
Welcome to JosephLevinson.com!
This website was created with the purpose to save the work of my father, Joseph Levinson, in preserving the memory of the Lithuanian Jews who perished during the Holocaust. It also serves as an information source of what my father did in discovering and marking mass graves of Lithuanian Jewry as well as in inspecting, inventorizing and putting in order the old Jewish cemeteries of Lithuania. At the moment the webpage enables the readers to see initial information about Joseph Levinson and his accomplishments. One can also buy Joseph Levinson‘s books, The Book of Sorrow and The Shoah (Holocaust) in Lithuania, through Amazon or from the website directly. In addition to the hardcover options today we can already also offer the abovementioned books in some electronic formats: The Shoah (Holocaust) in Lithuania in PDF format, and The Book of Sorrow in ePUB and MOBI formats...
What they Say?
"Joseph Levinson’s book on the Lithuanian Holocaust is the most important single book to appear on the topic in a generation..."
- Dovid Katz